Jan 25, 2009

Warning The Queen Has Arrived

Greetings, Greetings, Greetings I Queen Cheryl want to send out Warm hugs to each and everyone of you. Oh sometimes I just cracks myself up. I am dedicated this day to myself and all the Ladies as Queens for a Day. I don't know how many of you remember that tv show. It aired back in the late 50's and ended in 1964. Host Jack Bailey

I can remember sitting glued in front of the tv set watching as one lucky woman got picked to be Queen for the Day. Somone needs bring that show back. I have been so busy these past couple of days that I haven't posted anything. I have made a few comments on a few blogs and some I have tried but for some reason wasn't able to leave comments. Not sure if the program is having problems, I will try again later I seen some fantastic blog give aways.

Now on to first order of Queen buisness...I HAVE TO SCREAM THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU TO MY VERY VINTAGE VALENTINE SWAP PARTNER DENISE of http://koffordsincolorado.blogspot.com/ OMG!!! >still in tears<>Koolaide SMILE<

Here are a some pictures of dolls I am working on Char suggested that show the size of the dolls lol they don't have any hair yet and still more finishing touches and so many more dolls to go. I dare not show the mess I have made in here lol.

Carlotta of Mahogany Blue awarded me two awards http://mahoganyblue.blogspot.com/ Also Michelle has given me an award http://fromhousetocozyhome.blogspot.com/ I want to extend my awards to EVERYONE who visit me. It is hard to just pin point anyone I enjoy each of you and I can not just designate an award to just a few. Blogging is fun, relaxing and also informative not to mention a place to even vent when needed. I want to have stress free blogging and I just enjoy the calm. I have also notice that some people have opt not to receive awards but I am not going to go that route. Instead I rather pass my awards on to everyone, so if you please Ladies ~ Queens for a Day accept these awards.

I will put the awards on my sidebar later but you can right click and also save them from here. Receiving these awards mean a lot to me. Just think out of all the millions of bloggers there is out there. Someone takes the time to read what you have to say spend a moment in your world. From that they who most are complete strangers think enough of you to show gratitude for you sharing a part of yourself. So no I will speak for myself I will never turn down an award. Again Thank you Carlotta and Michelle. Ok Queens I must get busy again with my sewing everyone has a Blessed week ahead
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl....Snatch Joy!

Jan 21, 2009

An Unofficial What The Heck Am I Doing Wednesday lol

I haven't posted in a few days just been busy trying to catch up on everything from life to reading, sewing and not to meniton the never ending housework. I have often said I would give up one thing that I truly love to treat myself to maid service once a month.
Yea yea I know that seems a bit much but think about it. All those little jobs you hate doing there can be someone who with a smile will come take it all away. My annerversary is next month on Vday can you believe it, well on our second anneversary my husband gave me a antique silver service set.

I abousolutely love it. Only one problem you guessed it keeping it cleaned. I am afraid to do too much to it because I heard that takes away from the character of it. But I have been plainning this romantic weekend just the two of us (throwing boys out for that day) >evil grin<

Now I know there are many out there who may use their sets on a regular basis and I have even heard that using them often keeps them from tarnishing. Might have to consider doing that for Sunday mornings. When you put together romantic evenings or special occasion's with your significant other what kind of things do you together? Would love to get some ideas.

Also, I have been sewing again next month I will be selling my dolls at the State Department in DC for Black History Month. I really don't get into talking a lot on this topic because it just make some feel a bit uncomfortable. I can remember how hurtful a few people had made me feel in the past about my use of the Word Mammy which none of them took the time to even ask me why. Right down to one woman actual was having a all out protest to try and have my esty shop shutdown. How pitiful on her part, I love mammy and I don't see anything wrong with calling myself MammyStitches. Well let me get off that for now here is one of my dolls in progress I should be finished with her later on today. Need to cut out more bodies so glad Joyce brought over another box of polyfil I was running low.
I need more wool, thought about using yawn just not sure I may go ahead and do her and another one with yawn hair until I can find someone selling some dark brown and black wool. Anyone know of a reasonable place to purchase please let me know. Well the silver wont get polished with me sitting here dreaming.

Peace and Blessings

Cheryl...Snatch Joy!

Jan 18, 2009

Wonderful Sunday

Greetings to those out there taking time to read my blog today. I really didn't know what I wanted to blog about. First I must express how happy and filled with Joy I am today that my son who is 17 walked down the aisle of church today and decided to give his life to Christ. Oh how wonderful it made me feel. You see there is a story with my son but I will not get into that right now I am just thankful that he is on a new journey in his life. Praises to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

I must say I had one beautiful weekend. Yesterday I spent most of the day shopping and came across some great finds. One purchase I brought was a craft stand, right now it is sitting on this shelf but for some reason it is suppose give me more space but hmmm to me it seems like it is taking up more space.

It's pretty cool though it spins around I even thought about using this in my kitchen to hold spices. The price was 12.99 it regularly sold for 35.00 bucks now if it was still 35.00 I would not have brought it. The pictures did not come out to great I used my web cam. I also brought you guessed it more fabric lol. I don't believe you can never have enough fabric. Hi my name is Cheryl and I am a Fabricholic. I do not want help with my addiction I only want more of what I crave more and more fabric lol. I did some more shopping to purchase things for a few of the swaps I am can not wait for my swap partners to receive their boxes. How many of you participate in swaps? How did they turn out? Do you enjoy swapping? These are my first and I am real excited about it. I never had luck with gift exchanges in the past but this seem different. Would love to read what yall think about them.

Peace and Blessings

Cheryl....Snatch Joy!

Jan 17, 2009

OOOOOOOOH Somebody Please Find The Heater

I know I really shouldn't complain about how cold the temperature is. Many of you are dealing the record lows. So I figured today let's think summer hot scorching sun, warm summer breeze, fan blowing, kids playing under fire hydrant and the sounds of the ice cream truck in the distance bringing ice cold Popsicle I take a grape one please. Before long we will be experiencing this savory moment winter chills will soon be only a memory in our minds of the past.

We all will be heading to the beaches and planning backyard barbeque's, ahhhh can you smell the food coming from the grill. Ice Cold Lemonade to quench your thirst ahh refill please, so today as I travel out there to brave the cold another day I will keep in my head that the warm sunny days are not far away. Everyone enjoy your Saturday and please stop by Beverly for Pink Saturday http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/

Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch Joy!

Jan 15, 2009


Greetings everyone well today is my Birthday yea! I am 52 years old today..Which means I have Picked a Winner for the Dolly Drawing. This person gets to go to my etsy shop and pick 1 Doll from my shop. I am so excited for them to win, I can't wait for the doll to arrive at their door step. 15 participants Ladies thank you all who entered.

Please email me your information. Everyone please stop by The Pickled Pepper Patch and congratulate her. I will be back to post her pick.

Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch Joy

Jan 13, 2009


Blessings everyone, I been so busy these last few days. I don't know whether I am coming or going. Before I forget I want to remind everyone that the give away deadlines ends tomorrow at 12am eastern time. I will be drawing a name on my Birthday, January 15th. Good luck to all who have participated.

Lately, I have been working on some new ideas for my dolls and trying to make better use of my work space. Who knew one person needed so much stuff in making dolls. I never seem to have enough fabric, sometimes I have fear of going into a fabric store knowing the damage I can cause in there. Once I can remember going into JoAnne fabrics with my 50 percent off coupon only to grab a bolt of white muslin, well by the time I left there after spending 220.00 bucks geeze where is the control. Joyce went along with me and ummm well let's just say she wasn't much help. Right now I am suffering from a creative block, I have all these ideas just floating around but for the life of me I can't seem to get them to surface. looking at stacks of cloth and have visions of what I would love to see done with it. How do I over come this? Where is the light at the end of my creative tunnel? I see so many of you that always have your creative juices flowing like wild fires! How do you keep those juices going? What motivates and inspires your creativity? Hey can I get some here lol. Until Later

Peace and Blessings

Cheryl....Snatch Joy

Jan 8, 2009

WOW I Got An Award

Ok yall can stop clapping now thank you thank you...KD of Southern Whimsy gave me my first award yesterday (The Lemonade Award)and it made me feel like a million bucks! I know a few maybe saying oh it's not no big deal, well it is to me. Just the fact that someone thought enough of me to present me with this Award. I now have to pass this on to 10 others who fits the description for the Lemonade Award. The rules are as follow:

1) put the logo on your blog
2) nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude.
3) have your 10 pass it along to 10 more!
This is the hard part because I want to give this to every person whom I have sat back and read their blogs, these blogs have captured my heart, some have made me laugh, cry, gave me insights, taught me and others have shared so much of themselves. Thank you Ladies for allowing me to take a peek into your world, so here are my picks for the Lemonade Award ~~~ Drum Roll Please ~~
















Thanks again KD

Peace and Blessings

Cheryl...Snatch JOY!

Jan 6, 2009

For The Love of Music

How many of you listen to music as you go about doing your day to day missions. I am a BIG music Lover. No matter what kind it is, it all depends on my mood at the time. When I was a lot younger I played the cello and drums. I was in the DC Youth Orchestra boy I can remember back on those days of draging my cello on the bus the ride across town on Saturdays for practice. Now days I enjoy listening to other artist delight my ears. Sometimes I just want to sit back and mello out and then other times I want to jump to my feet and just let it all go dance like there is no tomorrow. We all have our favorites but I just have way too many, but here is a video I want to share of one of my Top favorite artist and her song which has so much meaning to me. Listen to the words because it is a tear dripper so grab your hankies. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5ILIjRTjZY My Anneversary is comming up soon that's right I am one of those who got married on Valentines Day. What can I say I am just a romantic soul. I want to do something very special this year so far I haven't come up with any ideas. This song expresses how I feel about my Mista he was truly sent by God. Need to learn how to post the videos on my blog I hope the link works. Today is table scape Tuesday I didn't participate but please click the link on my sideboard and check it out. What beautiful place settings everyone has ok I am rambling now let me finish sewing I have to get these dolls finished soon. Friday I will be baking up cupcakes if anyone has a way that I can transport 150 cupcakes safely with icing please let me know! I am makig cupcakes for everyone after service in Church on Sunday to celebrate the January Birthday people it's 18 of us including myself and 3 with the same birthday as mine January 15th!!

Peace and Blessings
Cheryl..Snatch JOY!

Jan 5, 2009

Blue Monday

This is my first Blue Monday I almost decided not to do it. Then shame on me I remembered a few weeks ago Joyce my Best friend gave me this Beautiful Plate.

Joyce has the best luck on finding things when she goes thrift store shopping. My mom would really want to snatch this up from me she loves blue. I have alot of Red transfer ware and Black and White Toile but this little beauty I am going to hang on to. I haven't found a place for it yet and I have even thought about mixing blue and white dishes and few other things in blue and white with my Red Transfer ware.

Right now I am just killing time waiting on the carpet cleaners to show up. I will be so happy when I am able to replace that carpeting. You never would have guessed that my Mista is a flooring installation mechanic. He has been doing this now for 30 some years. It sometimes worry me just how long will he be able to continue to do this. But for now he is the BEST installer out there. If you haven't yet don't forgot to signup for the Give Away!

Peace and Blessings

Cheryl...Snatch JOY!

Jan 4, 2009

Sunday Morning JOY!

Sunday Morning Joy! Giving Honor and Praises to God for waking me up this morning. Pretty soon I will be off to Church. Sitting here sipping on my first cup of java and I really couldn't think of what I wanted to blog about today. I spend so much time reading every one's Beautiful blogs some make me dream others get my creative juices raring to go. One blog in particular is Susan at Between Naps on the Porch she is starting Metamorphosis Monday, I am still not great with doing hyper links but here is the link to her blog http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/ Please stop by and check it out. I have a long long list of Blogs I want to give recognition to. So the idea came to me every Sunday I am going to Give Recognition to Blogs that Inspire me. There are so many, you never know how much expressing your thoughts and ideas to people out there in blogging world can touch so many. I am one of those who your blogs have touched me and I thank each of you for sharing something of yourself to me. I also want to thank all who have taken time to come by and read my Blog. I am just so happy that I didn't give up.

Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY!

Jan 2, 2009


Today I thought about how could I explain what so many ask me concerning my signature *Snatch Joy*. Close your eyes and just relax, now think of all of the things in life that make you smile.... Now Snatch that Joy! The Dictionary Meaning of this

Intense and especially ecstatic or exultant happiness.
The expression or manifestation of such feeling.
A source or an object of pleasure or satisfaction: their only child, their pride and joy.

v., joyed, joy·ing, joys.

To take great pleasure; rejoice.

v.tr. Archaic.
To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.
To enjoy.

Now think about this there are people who live day to day and not even have a clue to what JOY is or feel like. Sometimes we loose site on the small and simple things in life that can bring us so much Joy. Times are so hard right now for many of us but there is still that moment of Joy capture it hold on and just savor it's moment for being in your presence. Walking to the store earlier I saw two elderly men standing on the corner laughing and having good converstation with each other. It made me smile as I thought to myself how wonderful it was watching them hearing most of their conversation was about the good ol days long gone by. But, for them that moment it gave both of them Joy. Now take a second because that is all you need look around you be aware of your surroundings Joy is there waiting for you to snatch some up! There is a Gospel song and I don't know all the words to it but there is a verse along with a saying that Joy comes in the morning. I believe Joy starts in the morning and continues on throughout the day.

Peace and Blessings

Cheryl.........Snatching up so much JOY it's over flowing!